We are aware of the pressures that our young people face today. Our Youth Ministry is organised so as to help our younger brothers and sisters maintain a constant Christian witness at school, home, church and at play, whilst encouraging them in their faith. The Ministry embraces students in all categories and the young men and women especially within the age category of thirteen (13) and about thirty (30) years thereabouts. It seeks to:

  • Prepare members to be examples to their peers in speech and conduct and thereby glorifying God with their lives,
  • Equip the growing adolescents and youth to mature to model adults ready for the work of the ministry and future leadership roles for effective ministry in the Church,
  • Offer a platform for the required guidance and counselling for students in areas of career choice, transition from one educational level to another, effective study life in school, job opportunities, placement and related issues, relationships, etc.
  • Rescue the perishing especially our peers in the various schools, communities and even in the Church,
  • Provide an avenue for the youth to put to good use the gifts and abilities that God has placed in them.

The Ministry holds its meetings in two categories; Teens Services on Sunday held concurrently with the adult service and the Youth Services on specific Tuesdays (as announced). In the execution of these objectives, the Ministry organises activities such as Bible Studies, General Discussions and Fora, Talks and Teaching Services. In recent times, the Ministry has put in place a Personal Development Seminar which is held to sharpen members and adequately prepare them for the opportunities that exist around them. Other activities which are held include the annual Camp Meetings.

The need to affect our peers positively with the Word of God through various means that would be easily acceptable whilst at the same time making our members much more useful led the Ministry to create various departments. These include Drama and Choreography; Music; Prayer and Evangelism; Writers and Debaters; Organising; and Christian Education departments. These were to ensure that various programmes of the Ministry were effectively packaged for maximum impact.

Currently operating under a five-member District Executive, the leadership is made up of:

Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Kwesi AnimPatronEnglish Service
Dcn. Sheriff OdonkorDistrict LeaderAkan Service
Dcn. Stephen NyamekyeAssistant LeaderEnglish Service
Bro. Peter D’AlmeidaSecretaryEnglish Service
Bro. Kwame Owusu-SekyereMemberEnglish Service
Mrs. Naomi Ohene OtiMemberAkan Service

It is the prayer of the leadership that the members in the Centre who are predominantly youth will rise up and take their rightful place in God’s kingdom for the work is indeed plentiful. Why don’t you join us on advertised Tuesdays at 6.00pm at the Youth Auditorium for an encounter with the Lord? Your life will never be the same again.