The Church recognizes the distinct position men hold in creation as the image of the living God and attests to the leadership responsibility placed by the Creator on man at home, in the Church, and at his work place, as well as in the larger society in which he lives and works. It is in this regard that the Men’s Ministry was born. In furtherance of this objective, Pentecost Men’s Ministry seeks to cater for the interests of all men in the church and thereby provides a forum for gathering and teaching the church’s male population in all aspects of Christian life.

The Ministry meets once a month to discuss subjects on issues like health, marriage enrichment, business management and legal matters.

In recent times, the ministry has played key roles in the organisation of Gospel Morning Services during which several souls have been won for the Lord. It also has a programme of fraternizing with visitors to the Sunday morning services. This programme has been sustained and contributed in no small way to the growth of the church. The Fellowship also caters substantially to the financial needs of some members of the centre and also supports effectively the ministry of the other ministries.

To be part of the family-based ministry, which is the vision of the center and to win souls for the kingdom, the followship intends to undertake the under-mentioned triangular approach:

  • To reach out to various professional groups outside the church through our members in the various professions.
  • To embark on vigorous and systematic follow-up of visitors to the centre.
  • To organize breakfast and dinner meetings as tools of evangelism.

The leadership of the Men’s Ministry is made up of the following:

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Eld. Samuel Danso AdjarquahDistrict LeaderEnglish Service
Bro. Prince AyikuAssistant LeaderEnglish Service
Eld. Justice Eric Kyei-BaffourMemberEnglish Service
Bro. Diamond AddoMemberEnglish Service
Bro. George FiankuMemberAkan Service

It is our prayer that the years ahead will see the Fellowship live up to its slogan, ‘Man, the image and glory of God’. To God be all the glory