The love of the Father Eld. Ishmael Edjekumhene Sunday, July 19, 2020 Morning Joy Celebration at PIWC, Atomic


Read 1 John 3.1-3, 1 John 4.9-10, Romans 8.31, 35, 37-39.

God’s love for us is great
This love found us and is able to preserve us. It is everlasting, unfailing, and permanent, so long as we remain in him. This love is deep and profound. Paul wanted the Ephesians to understand the depth and mystery of this love (Ephesians 3).

God’s love guarantees our security
When you love him you are guaranteed his protection.

Nothing can separate us from the love of God
Paul said he was convinced that nothing could separate him from the love of God. If God did not withhold his son from us but gave him to us, what else will he not add to it? That your business is not in good shape does not mean God does not love you. The circumstances in which we find ourselves do not change God. We need to get deeper to understand how deep and incredible and marvelous this love is. The NIV uses the word “lavished” for the love the Father has poured on us. Regardless of what you are going through, nothing can change of the love of God towards you. Stop being intimidated and fearful for absolutely nothing can take us away from this love.

Don’t reject his love
Unfortunately, there are some of us in this world who have not experienced this love. We have chosen to be outside what God is doing for mankind. This love does not discriminate—it even loves the unlovable and the despised.

Jesus spoke about this love in the story of the prodigal son. Jesus used that parable to teach us an important lesson that it doesn’t matter what you have done; regardless of the enormity of your sin, this amazing love of God can reach you. The prodigal son sank so low that he was even competing with pigs for food but when he came to his senses, he asked himself an important question. Jesus said those who are not sick do not need a physician. The Father’s love can reach you regardless of how far you have gone. As the prodigal son came back home, his father ran to him. That was the extent of his father’s love. He had prepared a speech to give to his father, but his father received him just as he was. He changed his clothes and threw a party for him. Our father does not reject us.

God’s love is able to look beyond our mistakes and forgive. Your situation is not hopeless. The blood of Jesus can wash away every sin. Why don’t you come to him?

God wants you to know that his love is still reaching out to you. What have you done that he can’t forgive you? Why don’t you come and taste and see that he is good? Even when we cannot forgive ourselves he forgives us. It is difficult for humans to forgive but not so with God. Salvation is knocking at your door this morning. Why don’t you give your life to Jesus?

Main references
1 John 3.1-3, 1 John 4.9-10, Romans 8.31, 35, 37-39

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