If I just touch his garment Mrs. Deborah Agyemang Bekoe Sunday, August 23, 2020 Sunday Morning Joy Celebration at PIWC, Atomic Climax of the National Women’s Week celebration


Read Mark 5.24-30.

While ministering, Jesus had crossed over form one area to another. As he moved, a large crowd followed him. This was typical in Jesus’ ministry but it was not the whole crowd the benefited from what Jesus taught. It is not enough to be in the crowd—be in the focused class so that even if it is only one person who is going to receive a miracle it would be you. I pray that you find yourself in the focused class.

The Bible describes a woman whose name was not mentioned. She was bleeding and had suffered a great deal in the care of many doctors but did not get better. Many people are suffering in their marriages, businesses, and in life. Only you know how long you have bled but if, like that woman, you will get closer to Jesus and touch his cloak, you will be healed.

The Bible says the woman heard about Jesus. As Jesus was moving, a man called Jairus came to him to request that he goes to heal his daughter who was sick. As Jesus was on his way to grant that request a crowd pressed around him but this woman pressed through the crowd to touch him. Immediately she did that, she was healed. It was a similar case with blind Bartimaeus who screamed for Jesus’ attention despite the crowd’s disapproval. Another similar case of faith was the friends who dug through the roof of the building in which Jesus was to bring their crippled friend before him.

After she had touched Jesus and the bleeding had ceased, Jesus asked, “Who touched me?” Remember everybody around Jesus was touching him yet he asked who touched him. it means the woman’s touch was special. The woman finally came and knelt before Jesus to say what had happened. When you touch Jesus in a special way he will react.

Don’t be discouraged. Have faith in God. As we pray, touch Jesus with your faith and you will be made whole.

Main reference
Mark 5.25-30

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