Fulfilling the Great Commission, the role of technology Rev. Kumah Doe Sunday, May 16, 2021 Sunday Morning Joy Celebration at PIWC, Atomic

There is opportunity all around us to share the gospel. By the time I’m done, we will know what the Great Commission is, who gave it, to whom he gave it, and how we can use technology to fulfill it.

Read Matthew 28:18-20.

The Great Commission
The Great Commission was given by the greatest person who ever lived, with the greatest power, with the greatest plan, and with the greatest promise behind it. It is Christ’s command to make disciples. It involves making and multiplying disciples in all nations so they can in turn saturate their nations with the good news. When CoP started, some apostles were obedient, and it followed and followed and followed. If we cut the cycle, it cannot continue.

There are four verbs in Matthew 28:18-20: “go,” “disciple,” “baptize,” and “teach.” If we are obedient, we need to take those steps. We have to pray intentionally to give an intelligent presentation of the gospel to every living person.

Using technology to share the gospel
Technology involves the invention of things to make like easier. Missionaries learn the language of culture of the people to reach them. So should we.

Research shows that we are spending increasing amounts of time on social media each day. The numbers are even greater among the youth. This makes social media a ripe field for harvesting souls.

Read 1 Corinthians 9:22.

Some of the methods we can use are short videos, short messages, graphics, mobile apps, mass outreaches, and bulk SMS.

The Great Commission is Jesus’ command to us to share the gospel and make disciples and it is possible to do it using technology. May the Lord bless us as we become doers of his word, and not hearers only.

Main references
Matthew 28:18-20, 1 Corinthians 9:22

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