Dearly Beloved in Christ,
“But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphing procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of Him everywhere” 2 Cori 2:14 (RSV)
Esther and I are extremely grateful to God for showing us uncommon favours. He answered the prayers of His people and restored our souls through miraculous intervention and healing. Thank you, Lord Special thanks go to our dear Chairman, and the Executive Council for playing a key role in facilitating our travel to India for medical attention. We are forever very grateful to our Area Head, Apostle A. K. Ahalivor and the pastorate for providing, spiritual, physical and moral support. My beloved Associate Ministers, Apostle Dr. E. K. Anim and Rev. Prof. E. K. Larbi coordinated the various activities geared towards our welfare and the sustainable progress of the Church. We owe them tons of gratitude. The PIWC‐Atomic Executive Committee, the Presbytery and the entire congregation are appreciated for supporting us Morally and Spiritually.
Our vision/mission for the term in focus shall be to make every member a fully functioning disciple of Christ. I passionately appeal for closer collaboration of all stake holders to help strengthen the Home Cells, Bible Study and Ministry Groups Membership drive shall receive impetus through intensive prayers, Bible Studies, cordial fellowship, Shepherding activities and Evangelistic outreach.
Let us continue to reflect on the year’s theme and show commitment to the set activities. This will bring spiritual revival, warm fellowship, infrastructural development and most importantly, closer personal relationship with the Lord.
May each one find his/her rightful place in fulfilling the corporate vision of the Church. Kindly invest quality time and resources to make our church (PIWC‐Atomic) a Centre of Excellence. We trust God who has began this good thing to bring it to fruition. More pleasant surprises are anticipated as we continue to REST in Lord.